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What is the Lumin-i Reduced Infrared Mode?

Details of the Lumin-i Reduced infrared Mode settings. When it may be necessary, and how to make use of it.

Where are my access settings in Grid 3?

Grid 3 supports a range of access methods, and these can be configured to match your needs.

Mouse and pointer settings in Grid 3

Grid 3 is designed to work across a range of different access methods, some of which need configuring. Learn how to set up access for mouse and pointer. 

Touch settings in Grid 3

Grid 3 is compatible with direct touch access. You can customise how Grid 3 interacts with touch in numerous ways.

Getting set up to use eye gaze in Grid 3

How to configure your eye gaze camera before it can be connected with Grid 3

How do I connect a switch to Grid 3?

Before using switch access in Grid 3, you need to ensure your switch is set up and ready to use.

How can I speed up switch access in Grid 3?

There are a number of ways that you can make changes to your settings and content within Grid that can vastly increase the speed and efficiency of switch access. 

Using switch scanning with Grid 3

Switches can be an incredibly versatile access method with both very simple and highly complex set ups available. This guide describes the function of each of the available settings for switch scanning.

Using a switch joystick with Grid 3

Grid 3 can be used with a switch joystick, or multiple switches in order to navigate up, down, left, and right around grid sets. The scan will start close to the centre of the grid, meaning that the distance to each of the edges of the screen is minimised. 

Using switch elimination in Grid 3

Switch elimination is a method of switch access where each grid is split into groups of two or four, and an individual switch is assigned to each group. The selected group is then iteratively split again, until a single cell is selected. 

Eye gaze settings in Grid 3

Grid 3 is compatible with many forms of access. Eye gaze is often seen as the most flexible access method, used across a variety of conditions and abilities. 

Getting started with voice activation in Grid 3

The voice activation access method in Grid 3 allows you to toggle cells and navigate grid sets using your voice. 

How do I set up auditory feedback for my access method in Grid 3?

Grid 3 can provide auditory feedback for most access methods, you can also customise what feedback you receive from a cell, row, column or scan block. 

How do I add a command to a switch in Grid 3?

In Grid 3, switches can have commands assigned to them. This can be used to activate sounds, environment control accessories and more. 

How do I change between two access methods in Grid 3?

It is possible for Grid 3 users to change between access methods independently in Grid 3 using rest cells.

How do I connect switches to a Tobii device in Grid 3?

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Tobii devices use a keyboard connection for their switches. Depending on the model of the device, different captured keys are required for the switches to function in Grid 3.