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How do I add a YouTube link to a cell in Grid 3?

Grid allows you to add YouTube links onto your grid cells. When creating links to YouTube, there are two ways in which this can be done. You can create a grid with cells that when selected show the YouTube video in a different area on the same grid . The second way is to create a list of cells that will jump to a web viewing page.

Cell links that stay on the same page

To start with, once you are on the page you would like to add the YouTube link, go to the three horizontal lines – edit mode. Find an empty cell and click – Create Cell.

Scroll down to Web Browser and then within this section, select Web Browser. You will need this cell to view the web pages that will be saved on the cells.

Now you have selected this and pressed OK, it will appear on your grid page. You can enlarge the cell to fit on the screen by selecting the corners and dragging to make this cell bigger on the page.

Once you have decided on the size, you can now add the cells

Once again find a blank cell and select Create Cell. Navigate to Web Browser and then locate the cell Go to Web Page and select OK

From here, in the left column, you can add the link of the You Tube URL

You can change the label by navigating to the top of the page and select Change Label. You can also change the picture too

When you are done creating the cells, you can select Finish Editing.

When you now select the cell, the link will load in the Web Browser

Cell that jumps on a different grid page

Another way that you can set this up, is by have a selection of cells with YouTube links that will have a Jump Cell to a web browser page

Go to Edit Mode and Create Cell, you will need to add a Jump Cell to start with

Then select next and then New Grid. This will be the page the cells will jump to in which to play the YouTube Video. Rename this Web Browser and select OK

Back in Edit Mode, select Follow Jump and it will take you to the page that was just created

Select Create Cell and navigate to Web Browser and then add the Web Browser

You can change the size of this cell to fit the screen by dragging the corners of the cell

Now navigate back to the previous page, we now need to create the webpage links on the same cell, Add Command and find Go to Web Page and add this command to the cell and press OK. You can now add the Youtube URL

You can change the labels and the picture of each cell to indicate when link is on each cell

Once you press Finish Editing and select one of the cells, it will jump to the web browser and play the video link selected.

Last Revision: 20.07.2023