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Computer control

Computer control in Fast Talker is designed for users accessing their device with pointer or eye gaze. With Computer control you have access to Windows applications, with a control overlay that allows you to click, drag, type and more.

Using Computer control

Computer control is to navigate either the Windows interface and use applications, like Word or Excel.

Using Computer control you can select the type of click you would like to perform, then guide your pointer or gaze to the point where that click should be carried out, then allow the dwell or click to take place.

Tip: If you are anticipating several clicks, for example if you are playing a game, you can select the click cell twice. This means you will always have that click set to occur, until you select the click cell again to switch the command off.

Image shows Computer control grid - Fast Talker, being used to create a Word document
Computer control grid – Fast Talker, being used to create a Word document

Access settings

To set up computer control, you will need to configure your Access settings to suit your needs. Under Settings – Access you can choose to configure either Pointer or Eye gaze. If you are using Pointer control, select this, and the Computer control settings will be on the screen.

Pointer options

Press switch to click

With Press switch to click you to move the pointer around the screen and press your switch to make a selection. You will need to have connected a switch to your device and configured it in Settings – Access – Switch.

Dwell to click

Move the mouse pointer around the screen with your gaze and a dwell will begin when still.

Zoom to click

Zoom to click enables you to focus in on a part of the screen with a slow zoom, so you can pinpoint exactly where you want to interact with the screen. You can adjust the speed and level of magnification.

Grid's access settings for pointer, set to dwell
Pointer setting in Grid

Eye gaze options

Move pointer, no click

Move mouse pointer simply enables you to guide the mouse cursor around the screen without clicks.

Move pointer, switch to click

With Press switch to click you use the eye gaze camera to move the pointer around the screen and press your switch to make a selection. You will need to have connected a switch to your device and configured it in Settings – Access – Switch.

Move pointer, blink to click

Blink to click uses the eye gaze camera to move the pointer around the screen and blinks to make your selections. You can adjust the minimum and maximum blink times to prevent accidental activations.

Move pointer, dwell to click

Move the mouse pointer around the screen with your gaze and a dwell will begin when still.

Dwell to move and click

Dwell to click lets you move the mouse around the screen with your gaze. When still, the dwell timer will appear. With this option you will not see the mouse pointer on the screen.

Zoom to move and click

Zoom to click enables you to focus in on a part of the screen with a slow zoom, so you can pinpoint exactly where you want to interact with the screen. You can adjust the speed and level of magnification.

Computer control with Fast Talker

When open, the Computer control Grid 3 shrinks to the right hand side of the screen with options for choosing the type of click you want, and to use an accessible on screen keyboard.

Selecting More will give you further click options as well as Tools. The View cell gives you options to reposition your Computer control grid.

Under the Tools grid you can adjust your access preferences and also make the Computer control grid bigger or smaller. Selecting More gives you further options to switch between desktop programs.

The Home cell will take you back into the Fast Talker home grid which will once again be full screen.


The keyboard grid in Computer control allows you to see the program you are typing in, however if you are using Fast Talker Large Cell you will also be able to make the keyboard full screen for easier access.

Last Revision: 11.07.2022