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How to use

WordPower 100, 60 and 25 versions

Choose between three versions of WordPower 100. There are two versions containing a keyboard for users with developing literacy skills, one of which is designed specifically for switch users.

Features of WordPower

Explore the features that WordPower provides to users.

Special Functions

Accessible apps such as email and text messaging are built into the grid set, giving users the ability to write text messages and emails using their symbol vocabulary.

Personalising WordPower

There are blank cells throughout the three grid sets where additional vocabulary can be added.

Practice sentences

Here are some useful practice sentences to help you get started and explore the vocabulary in WordPower 100, 60 and 25.

The design of WordPower

WordPower is a largely symbol based vocabulary, however it is also designed to support the development of sight-reading and early literacy skills.

Setting up WordPower 100 for Switches

WordPower 100 for Switches has been designed for switch users, and is intended to be used with block scanning.